Synthesis, Characterization, X-ray Crystal Structure and Antibacterial Activity of K4H2.2PTi1.60W10.40O40·13H2O
翟宏菊 东北师范大学化学学院多酸研究所长春 130024
吉林师范大学化学学院四平 136000 
刘术侠 东北师范大学化学学院多酸研究所长春 130024
东北师范大学遗传与细胞研究所长春 130024 
李玉新 东北师范大学遗传与细胞研究所长春 130024 
王恩波 东北师范大学化学学院多酸研究所长春 130024 
胡宁海 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所长春 130021 
摘要: Na2WO4·2H2O与NaH2PO4及TiCl4在常规条件下反应合成Keggin型钨钛磷酸钾K4H2.2PTi1.60W10.40O40·13H2O(1),并通过元素分析,IR,UV,X-ray单晶衍射表征。化合物1晶体属于四方晶系,P4/mnc空间群,a=1.415 8(2) nm,b=1.415 8(2) nm,c=1.244 9(3) nm,V=2.495 5(7) nm3Z=2,R1=0.058 3,wR2=0.144 7。该晶体沿a轴方向晶胞堆积有一截面为0.72 nm × 0.62 nm的孔道,水分子填充在孔道内。183W NMR谱表明多阴离子在溶液中主要以C2对称性的异构体存在。该化合物对绿脓杆菌和β-溶血链球菌有较强的抑制活性。
关键词: Keggin型钨钛磷酸盐  晶体结构  抗菌活性
Abstract: The synthesis and crystal structure of Keggin type di-Ti substituted tungstophosphate with the formula K4H2.2PTi1.60W10.40O40·13H2O(1) has been reported. The crystal belongs to tetragonal system with space group P4/mnc, a=1.415 8(2) nm, b=1.415 8(2) nm, c=1.244 9(3) nm, V=2.495 5(7) nm3, Z=2, R1=0.059 1 and wR2=0.149 0. The packing drawing of the compound 1 showed unusual channels along a axis. The section magnitude of the channel is 0.72 nm × 0.62 nm. And water molecules filled in the channel. 183W NMR spectra showed that the polyanion of C2 symmetry was the main species in the aqueous solution. The compound 1 showed antibacterial activity against pseudomonas aeruginous and β-hemolytic streptococcus. CSD: 413613.
Keywords: Keggin type dititanodecatungstophosphate  X-ray crystal structure  antibacterial activity
投稿时间:2005-04-22 修订日期:2005-06-16
摘要点击次数:  1204
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