Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes by Catalytic Decomposition of Methane over Sm Modified Ni-MgO Catalysts
李克 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室兰州 730000
中国科学院研究生院北京 100049 
吕功煊 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室兰州 730000
中国科学院研究生院北京 100049 
刘建福 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室兰州 730000
中国科学院研究生院北京 100049 
关键词: 碳纳米管  Ni-Sm-MgO催化剂  甲烷  催化裂解
Abstract: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been synthesized over Ni-MgO and Ni-Sm-MgO catalysts by decomposition of CH4 at 650 ℃. The addition of Sm into Ni-MgO catalyst not only promotes the catalytic activity and lifetime of the catalyst, but also improves the graphitization and heat stability of carbon nanotubes. The yield of CNTs obtained over the Ni-10Sm-MgO catalyst reaches 33 g C·(g Ni)-1, being more than 5 times higher than that of the Ni-MgO catalyst. XRD and TPR results of the catalysts indicate that there is a remarkable interaction of Ni with Sm species, which facilitates the reduction of nickel and restrains the Ni particles from agglomerating.
Keywords: carbon nanotubes  Ni-Sm-MgO catalyst  methane  catalytic decomposition
投稿时间:2005-05-08 修订日期:2005-07-13
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