CrOx/ SBA-15介孔催化剂上丙烷在二氧化碳气氛中脱氢反应的研究
Chromium Oxide Supported on Mesoporous SBA-15 as Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane by CO2
缪建文 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093
南通大学化学化工学院南通 226007 
周静 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093 
宋国华 南通大学理学院南通 226007 
范以宁 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093 
龚超 南京大学化学化工学院南京 210093 
关键词: CrOx/ SBA-15  催化剂  丙烷氧化脱氢  CO2  Cr活性物种
Abstract: The structure and catalytic properties based on Chromium Oxide supported on mesoporous SBA-15 for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane by CO2 have been studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectra (UV-Vis DRS), electron spin resonance (ESR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and propane pulsing experiments in the absence of gas-phase O2. It has been shown that propane conversion and propene yield increase with Cr loadings. The propane conversion and propene yield on CrOx(Cr: 10wt%)/SBA-15 catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane by CO2 at 550 ℃ reach 24.8% and 21.8%, respectively .The results of ESR, UV-Vis DRS and propane pulsing experiments indicate that Cr in the CrOx/ SBA-15 catalyst is the main active species in oxidative dehydrogenation of propane by CO2 and Cr, Cr is inactive in dehydrogenation.
Keywords: CrOx/ SBA-15 catalysts  oxidative dehydrogenation of propane  CO2  CrⅢ active species
投稿时间:2005-03-13 修订日期:2005-06-09
摘要点击次数:  1361
全文下载次数:  1778
缪建文,周静,宋国华,范以宁,龚超.CrOx/ SBA-15介孔催化剂上丙烷在二氧化碳气氛中脱氢反应的研究[J].无机化学学报,2005,21(10):1541-1545.
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