Preparation of Cu2O Nanocubes by Using PEG as Reducing Agent
曾小巍 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
张玉红 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
骆成才 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
曾跃武 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
王彦广 浙江大学化学系杭州 310027 
关键词: 氧化亚铜纳米立方晶  PEG  二价铜盐
Abstract: Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanocubes have successfully been prepared through a simple and novel method by heating Cu(ethyl acetoacetate)2 (Cu(EAC)2) and poly(ethyleneglycol) (PEG) in the absence of other chemicals. The PEG acted as the reducing agent as well as the stabilizer. The XRD results indicated that no metal Cu or CuO developed in the preparation process, and only Cu2O nanoparticles with the cuprous structure were produced. The TEM images revealed that all the Cu2O nanoparticles were cubic-shaped or square-shaped particles. The size and shape of Cu2O nanocubes were dependent on concentrations of the Cu(Ⅱ) precursor, reactant temperatures, and chain length of PEGs. It is interesting that the reducing reactivity of PEG was sensitive to its chain length, and the reduction reaction activity was drastically dropped with the decreasing of polymer′s chain length.
Keywords: cuprous oxide nanocube  PEG  Cu(Ⅱ)
投稿时间:2004-12-13 修订日期:2005-03-12
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