Synthesis of Cubic ZrW2O8 and Its Isomorphs by Acidic Steam Hydrothermal and Precursor Decomposing Method
邓学彬 北京师范大学化学系北京 100875 
赵新华 北京师范大学化学系北京 100875 
韩京萨 北京师范大学化学系北京 100875 
关键词: 酸蒸气水热合成  热收缩化合物  ZrW2O7(OH,Cl)2·2H2O  ZrW2O8
Abstract: ZrW2O7(OH,Cl)2·2H2O and its isomorphs were prepared by Acidic Steam Hydrothermal (ASH) method and the pure cubic ZrW2O8 was synthesized by dehydration of ZrW2O7(OH,Cl)2·2H2O. The control factors of ASH method, such as the type, concentration and volume of the acidic steam source, temperature and time of the reaction, were studied in detail. The results showed that HCl was a better volatile acidic steam source and the concentration of HCl determined the product. At lower concentration of HCl, the main product was Na2W2O7·H2O rather than ZrW2O7(OH,Cl)2·2H2O. When the concentration was higher than 6 mol·L-1, the products in turn became sodium tungstates with the structure types of pyrochlore, hexagonal tungsten bronze and finally were transformed to ZrW2O7(OH,Cl)2·2H2O precursors.
Keywords: acidic steam hydrothermal  NTE compound  ZrW2O7(OH,Cl)2·2H2O  ZrW2O8
投稿时间:2005-01-17 修订日期:2005-05-11
摘要点击次数:  1419
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