Electrochemical Characterization of Novel CaSnO3 Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries Prepared by Wet Chemical Route
何则强 吉首大学化学化工学院,吉首 416000
中南大学化学化工学院,长沙 410083 
熊利芝 吉首大学化学化工学院,吉首 416000 
麻明友 吉首大学化学化工学院,吉首 416000 
肖卓炳 吉首大学化学化工学院,吉首 416000 
吴显明 吉首大学化学化工学院,吉首 416000 
黄可龙 中南大学化学化工学院,长沙 410083 
摘要: 采用湿化学方法合成了具有钙钛矿结构的CaSnO3,将其作为锂离子电池的负极活性物质,研究了其电化学性能。结果表明,湿化学方法制备的锡酸钙,粒度分布集中、平均粒径在500 nm左右,在0~1.0 V之间以0.1 C倍率充放电时,其可逆容量达到469 mAh·g-1,而且循环性能良好。经80次循环后的容量衰减率只有0.57%。从首次放电容量和可逆容量来看,锡酸钙的储锂机制与锡基氧化物材料相似,即:首先是结构的还原并形成金属锡;然后金属锡与锂发生可逆的合金化与去合金化过程。锡酸钙的可逆容量、循环性能都比文献报道的块状锡氧化物或者是无定型锡基复合氧化物好,这说明钙钛矿结构和钙离子的存在可能对改善锡基负极材料的性能是有益的。
关键词: 锂离子电池  锡酸钙  湿化学方法  负极
Abstract: CaSnO3 with the perovskite structure was prepared by wet-chemical route and the electrochemical properties as anode material for lithium ion batteries were studied. The wet-chemical method gave narrow distrib-uted nano-crystallites with an average size of about 500 nm for CaSnO3 and was shown to deliver a reversible capacity of 469 mAh·g-1 (0~1.0 V,0.1 C) with good cycling stability(the capacity loss per cycle is only 0.57% for 80 cycles). The observed capacity involved in the first discharge and the reversible capacity during subsequent charge-discharge cycles shows that the electrochemical process in CaSnO3 is similar to other Sn-based oxide materials, namely, an initial structural reduction with Sn-metal formation followed by reversible Li-Sn alloy forma-tion. Both the attainable capacity and its retention on charge-discharge cycling are better than the previously rep-orted best-performing bulk Sn-oxide or ATCO starting material, which indicates that the perovskite structure and Ca-ion may play a beneficial role.
Keywords: lithium ion batteries  CaSnO3  wet chemical route  anode
投稿时间:2005-02-22 修订日期:2005-04-24
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