Synthesis and Relaxivity of Neutral Dimeric Gd(Ⅲ) Complexes Derived from L-Lysine with Long Chain Alkyl Esters
周锦兰 华中科技大学化学系武汉 430074 
万福贤 华中科技大学化学系武汉 430074 
俞开潮 华中科技大学化学系武汉 430074
高雄中山大学化学系与纳米科技中心高雄 804-24 
丁尚武 高雄中山大学化学系与纳米科技中心高雄 804-24 
杨年华 波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所武汉 430071 
叶朝辉 华中科技大学化学系武汉 430074
波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所武汉 430071 
关键词: 非离子造影剂  L-赖氨酸长链烷基酯  双EDTA酰胺  双核钆配合物  弛豫效能
Abstract: Four novel ester-amino ligands were synthesized by bis-acylation of octadecanyl, hexadecanyl, tetradecanyl and dedecanyl L-lysinate with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid mono-anhydride (EDTA-MA), respectively. The corresponding neutral dimeric Gd(Ⅲ) complexes were gained by reacting these ligands with GdCl3·6H2O. All ligands and complexes were characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR and elemental analysis. The longitunal relaxation time (T1) was measured, and their stability were investigated by competition with Ca2+ and EDTA. The results indicate that the relaxivity of these netral binuclear Gd(Ⅲ) complexes are higher than that of Gd-DTPA.
Keywords: neutral contrast agent  long chain alkanyl L-lysinate  bis-EDTA amide  dimeric gadolinium complex  relaxivity
投稿时间:2004-12-01 修订日期:2005-04-22
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