Crystalline Neodymium Carbonate with Lanthanide Structure: Preparation, and Promoting Action of Seeding on Crystallization
丁家文 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
李永绣 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
黄婷 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
罗贤满 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
杨毅 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
何小彬 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
关键词: 碳酸钕  晶种  结晶  pH值原位测定
Abstract: The characteristics of pH value variation during aging process of amorphous neodymium carbonate formed by three different feeding manners have been investigated. The promotion action of seeding on the crystallization of neodymium carbonate is discussed. X-ray diffraction pattern and the elemental analysis results show that neodymium carbonate can transfer from amorphous to crystalline normal neodymium carbonate Nd2(CO3)3·8H2O with lanthanide structure at room temperature. Its crystallization activity zone lies in lower feeding ratio area expressed by nNH4HCO3/nNdCl3 between 2~3. The existing of seeds can shorten crystalline time, from more than 15 h without seed to 2 h with seeds under normal feeding manner. And the spontaneity nucleation time can be shortened further when feeding with multi-steps normal manner. However, whether multi-steps normal or synchronously and continuously feeding manner, the precipitate formed can transfer to crystalline neodymium carbonate directly under seeding. At the same time, it is observed that the variation of pH value reduces with the decrease of feeding amount and the shortening of aging period, indicating that with synchronously and continuously feeding manner can not only realize fast crystallization, but also control pH value within a narrow range, which is beneficial for the producing of neodymium carbonate crystal with narrow-distributed particle size and monitoring of its crystallization process.
Keywords: neodymium carbonate  seed  crystallization  pH determination in situ
投稿时间:2004-12-06 修订日期:2005-02-21
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