Theoretical Calculation of 13C NMR Spectra of Lithium, Sodium and Magnesium Coordination Compounds with Acetylacetone
廖显威 四川师范大学化学学院成都 610066 
邓嘉莉 四川师范大学化学学院成都 610066 
赵颖 四川师范大学化学学院成都 610066 
吴学梅 四川师范大学化学学院成都 610066 
苏宇 川北医学院化学教研室南充 637007 
关键词: 锂、钠、镁的金属乙酰丙酮配合物  核磁共振碳谱  GIAO
Abstract: In this paper, the geometric configurations of lithium、sodium and magnesium coordination compounds with acetylacetone were optimized with density functional B3LYP method of quantum chemistry at the bigger basis sets 6-31++G(d, p), vibrational analyses were made and there were not imaginary frequencies. Their 13C NMR spectra were calculated at the same basis sets with GIAO method. The results of calculation are essentially consistent with experimental values.
Keywords: lithium, sodium and magnesium coordination compounds with acetylacetone  13C NMR spectra  GAIO
投稿时间:2004-12-01 修订日期:2005-03-31
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