Synthesis and Characterization of NiAl-HTLcs/Saponite Layer Composites
秦玉香 天津大学电子信息工程学院 
胡明 天津大学电子信息工程学院 
李永丹 天津大学化学工程学院天津 300072 
李海燕 天津大学电子信息工程学院 
摘要: 以NiAl类水滑石和八面体片阳离子为Zn2+的皂石为前体,利用两前体层板带电荷的相反性和层间域离子的可交换性,在室温、常压的温和实验条件下,将带正电荷的类水滑石层板引入到带负电荷的皂石层间,首次合成出了一种新型层状复合材料——NiAl类水滑石/皂石层状复合材料。XRD、DTA、IR和27Al MAS NMR的测试结果表明,类水滑石八面体层板已顺利插层到皂石片层之间,复合材料在c轴方向是单个皂石层板与单个类水滑石层板的交叉堆叠。DTA分析结果还表明,该层状复合材料具有高热稳定性,结构破坏温度高达837 ℃。
关键词: 类水滑石化合物  皂石  层状复合材料  插层
Abstract: Based on the capability of ion exchange and the difference in sheet-charge of Hydrotalcite-Like Compounds (HTLcs) and saponite, a new type of composites-NiAl-HTLcs/saponite layer composites was synthesized under normal atmospheric temperature and pressure through the intercalation of the HTLcs sheet to the interlayer of the two adjacent saponite sheets. The synthesized samples were characterized by XRD, DTA, IR and 27Al MAS NMR. Experimental results indicated the intercalation was finished successfully. The HTLcs sheets alternate with saponite sheets in c direction. The synthesized composites showed a very high thermal stability and its structure started to be destroyed at 837 ℃ as characterized by DTA.
Keywords: saponite  hydrotalcite-like compounds  layer composites  intercalation
投稿时间:2005-01-17 修订日期:2005-03-31
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