ZnO Nanoparticles: Surface Structure and Desulfurization Performance for H2S at Room Temperature
邵纯红 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院哈尔滨 150090 
姜安玺 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院哈尔滨 150090 
李芬 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院哈尔滨 150090 
闫波 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院哈尔滨 150090 
周百斌 哈尔滨师范大学物理化学学院哈尔滨 150080 
摘要: 采用均匀沉淀法制备纳米ZnO,经260 ℃,360 ℃,460 ℃和550 ℃焙烧制备的纳米ZnO均具有六方纤锌矿结构,平均粒径分别为14.3 nm,21.2 nm,24.1 nm和35.3 nm。通过TEM、TPR、XRD和XPS等技术对脱硫剂进行了表征。结果表明,纳米ZnO提高了对H2S的室温去除率,室温脱除H2S的活性时间是分析纯ZnO的近40倍;其脱硫性能随粒径增大,氧空位减少而下降,脱硫后高结合能的硫物种增多,硫取代晶格氧的趋势增大。说明粒径大小和氧空位是纳米ZnO室温脱硫的主要影响因素。纳米ZnO(14.3 nm)可直接将H2S选择氧化为单质硫,尾气中未见SO2产生。
关键词: 纳米ZnO  室温  脱硫  单质硫
Abstract: The ZnO nanoparticles were prepared by homogeneous deposition. The ZnO nanoparticles thus prepared after calcination at 260 ℃, 360 ℃, 460 ℃ and 550 ℃ were with hexagonal wurtzite structure. The average particle size was 14.3 nm, 21.2 nm, 24.1 nm and 35.3 nm, respectively. The desulfurzation agent was characterized by TEM, TPR, XRD and XPS before and after desulfurization reaction, respectively. It is concluded that the ZnO nanopartilels improve the efficiency of H2S desulfurization at low temperature. The life time for H2S desulfurization at room temperature was about 40 times that of analytical pure ZnO. The performance of ZnO nanoparticles for desulfurization was decreased with the increase in particle size and decrease in oxygen vacancy sulfur species with higher binding energy increased, and the tendency for sulfur to substitute crystal matrix oxygen became significant after desulfurization. It is demonstrated that the size and oxygen vacancy are the main factors influncing the performance of desulfurization at low temperature. ZnO nanoparticles (14.3 nm) could oxidize H2S into elemental sulfur selectively. The product of SO2 was not observed in the end gases.
Keywords: ZnO nanoparticles  room temperature  desulfurization  elemental sulfur
投稿时间:2005-01-04 修订日期:2005-04-25
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