Synthesis and Spectroscopic Properties of Octa-substituted Bis(phthalocyaninato) Rare Earth Complexes Peripherally Substituted with (4-methoxy)phenoxy Derivatives
鲁凡丽 天津大学理学院化学系天津 300072 
张立改 天津大学理学院化学系天津 300072 
刘华姬 天津大学理学院化学系天津 300072 
崔建中 天津大学理学院化学系天津 300072 
颜秀茹 天津大学理学院化学系天津 300072 
摘要: 在回流的正戊醇中,以RE(acac)3·nH2O (acac=乙酰丙酮一价阴离子)为模板,以DBU(1,8-二氮杂双环[5.4.0]十一烯-7)作催化剂,在回流的正戊醇中与4,5-二(4-甲氧苯氧基)邻苯二甲氰反应,我们合成了一系列的15个新型稀土对称二层配合物M[Pc(MeOPhO)8]2[M=Y,La,Ce,Pr,Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm,Yb,Lu;H2Pc(MeOPhO)8=2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-八(4-甲氧苯氧基)酞菁]。整个系列的对称二层配合物主要借助于UV-Vis,IR谱学手段得到充分的表征。所有的研究表明在两个大环之间存在强烈的π-π相互作用,空穴主要位于酞菁大环配体上。
关键词: 酞菁  UV-Vis光谱  IR光谱  稀土  三明治型配合物
Abstract: 15 rare earth double-deckers M[Pc(MeOPhO)8]2 [M=Y, La … Lu, except Pm; H2Pc=2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24-octakis(4-methoxyphenoxy)phthalocyanine] have been prepared by treating RE(acac)3·nH2O (acac=acetylacetonate) with 4,5-bis(4-methoxy)phenoxyphthalonitrile in refluxing 1-pentanol in the presence of 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU). The phthalonitrile with the 4-methoxyphenoxy derivative, a precursor of the phthalocyanine, was synthesized by nucleophilic addition of 4, 5-dichlorophthalonitrile with 4-methoxyphenol in dry DMSO solution. These novel sandwich-type complexes have been characterized by UV-visable and Infra-red spectroscopy. The results indicate that there are substantial π-π interactions and the hole mainly locates at the Pc ligands.
Keywords: phthalocyanine  UV-Vis spectra  IR spectra  rare earth  sandwich-type complexes
投稿时间:2004-12-20 修订日期:2005-04-11
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