Preparation and Formation Mechanism of CNTs Array on AAO Template
韩凤梅 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
郭燕川 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
陈丽娟 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
摘要: 采用阳极刻蚀法制备得到多孔氧化铝模板(AAO),通过在二茂铁苯溶液中浸润而后热解的方法,得到内壁附着纳米铁颗粒的AAO模板。用化学气相沉积(CVD)法在AAO模板孔内生长出两端开口的碳纳米管(CNTs)阵列。仅用盐酸浸泡就可除去CNTs表面上的催化剂颗粒,得到高纯的CNTs阵列。高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)和拉曼图谱(Raman)表明CNTs具有很低的石墨化结构。通过对CNTs形貌和形成过程的剖析,认为AAO模板孔道的导向作用以及模板孔内壁催化剂铁颗粒大小分布不均是形成低石墨化碳纳米管的主要原因。
关键词: 氧化铝模板  碳纳米管  形成机理  纯化
Abstract: Alumina template (AAO) was prepared by anodization method. Catalyst Fe particles were carefully deposited on the pore-wall of AAO templates by pyrolyzing ferrocence. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method was used to grow well-aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with two open bottoms on template using C2H2 as carbon source. High array of CNTs were obtained. CNTs were immersed in HCl solution and catalyst particles were removed completely. The lower graphite structure of CNTs was characterized by HRTEM and Raman spectrum. The mechanism is also discussed. The formation of lower graphitized CNTs was mainly due to the orintation effect of AAO template channel as well as the uneven distribution of Fe catalyst particles on the inner wall of the template.
Keywords: alumina template  CNTs  mechanism  purification
投稿时间:2004-12-27 修订日期:2005-04-05
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