Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Monoclinic Layered LiMnO2 via Ball-milling and Ion Exchange Reaction
许天军 南开大学材料化学系新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
叶世海 南开大学材料化学系新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
王永龙 南开大学材料化学系新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
梁霍秀 南开大学材料化学系新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
高学平 南开大学材料化学系新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
宋德瑛 南开大学材料化学系新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
摘要: 通过球磨促进固相反应法合成出了具有单斜层状结构的前驱物NaMnO2,随后通过离子交换得到了单斜层状LiMnO2。XRD测试结果显示产物为单相。扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)观测结果显示LiMnO2的粒子尺寸为300~500 nm,HRTEM分析显示干扰条纹的间距为0.485 nm,基本对应于m-LiMnO2的(001)晶面间距。红外吸收光谱(IR)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)被用来测量m-LiMnO2中Mn-O键的伸缩和弯曲振动吸收和Mn元素的价态。合成的m-LiMnO2在电化学充放电循环初期表现了较好的电化学性能,但其循环寿命仍需要进一步改善。
关键词: 球磨  单斜晶系  层状LiMnO2  电化学性能
Abstract: The precursor compound of NaMnO2 with a layered monoclinic structure was synthesized by a method of ball-milling-promoted solid-state reaction. And then pure LiMnO2 with fine structure was obtained via a subsequent ion exchange reaction. The LiMnO2 material was detected as a single phase with a layered monoclinic structure by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The particle size of the m-LiMnO2 material was about 300~500 nm by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The well-resolved interference fringe spacing is about 0.485 nm from HRTEM, which is consistent with the (001) plane in monoclinic LiMnO2 phase. Infrared (IR) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectra (XPS) were used to measure the stretching and bending vibrations of Mn-O bond and valence state of Mn element in m-LiMnO2 material. The obtained m-LiMnO2 was shown to have a good electrochemical performance as a cathode material for lithium ion batteries.
Keywords: ball-milling  monoclinic  layered lithium manganese oxide  electrochemical performance
投稿时间:2004-12-01 修订日期:2005-02-12
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