Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Properties of Pr3+ Doped LaF3 Nanocrystals/glass
孟春霞 北京交通大学光电子技术研究所信息存储、显示与材料重点实验室北京 100044 
黄世华 北京交通大学光电子技术研究所信息存储、显示与材料重点实验室北京 100044 
由芳田 北京交通大学光电子技术研究所信息存储、显示与材料重点实验室北京 100044 
常建军 北京交通大学光电子技术研究所信息存储、显示与材料重点实验室北京 100044 
彭洪尚 北京交通大学光电子技术研究所信息存储、显示与材料重点实验室北京 100044 
陶冶 中国科学院高能物理研究所同步辐射实验室北京 100039 
张国斌 中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室合肥 230026 
关键词: VUV  Pr3+  纳米微晶/氟氧化物玻璃  4f 5d能级
Abstract: The vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectroscopic properties of praseodymium (Pr3+, 1at%) doped LaF3 nanocrystals/glass at room temperature and 20 K are reported. Two types of Pr3+ ions, those in LaF3 nanocrystals and those in the glass host, were excited to 4f 5d band by VUV using synchrotron radiation as an excitation source, and emissions of 1S01D2 (336 nm), 1S01I6 (397 nm ) of Pr3+ in the nanocrystals and emissions of 4f 5d3HJ, 3FJ of Pr3+ in the glass appeared at the same time. But unlike in the bulk sample crystals, emission of 3P03HJ, 3FJ as the second step of the quantum splitting (QS) of Pr3+ in the LaF3 nanocrystals was not observed at room temperature, which could be explained that Pr3+ ions in the glass absorbed the energy of 3P03H4 of Pr3+ in the nanocrystals. Two types of excitation spectra monitoring different emissions were also measured, so it could be observed that the lowest energy of 4f 5d band of Pr3+ in the nanocrystals was about 53 500 cm-1 (186 nm) and in the glass about 33 800 cm-1(295 nm), respectively. These emission and excitation spectra were contrasted to those of bulk sample crystals LaF3∶Pr3+.
Keywords: VUV  praseodymium  nanocrystals/glass  4f 5d
投稿时间:2004-10-25 修订日期:2005-01-14
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