Layered Double Hydroxides: Structures, Properties and Applications
雷立旭 东南大学化学化工系南京 210096 
张卫锋 东南大学化学化工系南京 210096 
胡猛 东南大学化学化工系南京 210096 
DermotO′Hare Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, The University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QR, UK 
摘要: 本文评述层状复合金属氢氧化物(layered double hydroxides,LDHs)的化学及其应用。层状复合金属氢氧化物具有结合紧密的氢氧化物层和处于层间的阴离子,其比较突出的化学性质是可逆的阴离子交换和热分解性质。不过,因为受到氢氧化物层的局限,处于层间的阴离子表现出的特殊化学性质近年来也越来越受到重视。利用上述三个方面的性质,人们发掘了层状复合金属氢氧化物在材料(包括有机无机复合材料)制备、离子交换与有害阴离子脱除、异构体化学分离、化学反应控制、阻燃材料、活性分子储存与缓释、局部化学反应合成、催化剂及催化剂载体等方面的应用。
关键词: 层状复合金属氢氧化物  阴离子交换  活性分子存储  控制释放  化学分离
Abstract: This paper reviews chemistry and applications of layered double hydroxides (short as LDHs). The LDHs have chemically bonded, therefore pretty rigid hydroxide layers and interlayer anions; and they outstand there because of their marvelous reversible anion-exchange capabilities and thermochemical behaviors. Recently, another aspect has attracted much attention that they constrain the interlayer anions and make them react in special ways, consequently produce selective products. Benefiting from the above three properties of LDHs, researchers have investigated their applications in preparations of various materials (including organic-inorganic composites), anionic exchange and removals of hazardous anions, chemical separations of organic geometric isomers, controls of chemical reactions, storage and control release of biomolecules, preparation of flame retarding materials/additives, catalysts and catalyst supports, and topochemical syntheses.
Keywords: layered double hydroxide  anionic exchange  storage of active molecules  controlled release  chemical separation
投稿时间:2004-12-08 修订日期:2005-02-08
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