Effect of Hydroxyl Radical on the Surface and Structure of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes
李伟 华东师范大学纳米功能材料和器件应用研究中心上海 200062 
成荣明 华东师范大学纳米功能材料和器件应用研究中心上海 200062 
徐学诚 华东师范大学纳米功能材料和器件应用研究中心上海 200062 
陈奕卫 华东师范大学纳米功能材料和器件应用研究中心上海 200062 
孙明礼 华东师范大学纳米功能材料和器件应用研究中心上海 200062 
摘要: 碳纳米管纯化后,使用Fenton试剂产生羟基自由基对碳管进行改性处理,研究羟基自由基对碳管表面和结构的影响,并与碳管的混酸处理结果进行比较。FTIR结果表明:经Fenton试剂化学处理后,碳管表面主要引入羟基和羰基,而混酸能“剪切”碳管,产生大量羧基和羰基等官能团。根据Fenton试剂产生羟基自由基的机理,分析了Fenton试剂处理条件的影响因素,控制反应条件即过氧化氢与亚铁离子物质的量之比保持在10左右,而pH值则维持在3左右,对碳管进行改性处理。依据碳管Fenton试剂处理前后的FTIR谱图变化,初步探讨了羟基自由基与多壁碳纳米管作用的可能机理。机理分析表明,改性后碳管表面的羟基和羰基是羟基自由基对碳管上的不饱和键进行加成氧化的结果。
关键词: 多壁碳纳米管  羟基自由基  Fenton试剂  机理
Abstract: After purification pretreatment by thermal oxidation and concentrated HCl, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) was treated with Fenton′s reagents and concentrated H2SO4 / HNO3 mixture, respectively. The results of FTIR spectra showed that hydroxyl groups and carbonyl groups could be brought into the MWNTs after Fenton chemical treatment. However, both carbonyl groups and carboxylic groups could be produced at broken sites when MWNTs was treated by concentrated H2SO4 / HNO3 mixture. According to formation mechanisms of hydroxyl radical, the conditions of Fenton treatment were controlled: molar ratio of H2O2 and Fe2+ was 10 or so, pH was at around 3 under acidic condition. In addition, we discussed the probable mechanisms of reaction between hydroxyl radical and MWNTs by IR spectral changes before and after Fenton treatment. The probable mechanisms indicated that existence of hydroxyl groups and carbonyl groups could be viewed as outcome of addition and oxidation reaction of electrophilic hydroxyl radical on unsaturated bonds on the sidewalls of MWNTs.
Keywords: multi-walled carbon nanotubes  hydroxyl radical  Fenton′s reagents  mechanisms
投稿时间:2004-07-12 修订日期:2004-10-18
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