Electrochemical Performance of Combined Ni(OH)2 / Carbon Nanotubes(CNTs) Composite-Activated Carbon Supercapacitor
王晓峰 清华大学机械工程系北京 100084 
梁吉 清华大学机械工程系北京 100084 
王大志 清华大学机械工程系北京 100084 
摘要: 本文采用溶胶凝聚方法制备了超细氢氧化亚镍电极材料并通过在其中掺加适量碳纳米管的方法大大提高了电极的比容量并有效改善了电极材料的阻抗特性。掺有20%碳纳米管的氢氧化亚镍复合电极材料的单电极比容量可达到320 F·g-1。本文分别采用氢氧化亚镍/碳纳米管复合电极作为正极,活性炭作为负极,6 mol·L-1 KOH作为电解液制备了复合型电化学电容器。采用上述方法制备的复合型电容器工作电压达到1.6 V,电容器质量比容量达到60 F·g-1。复合型电容器能量密度达到20.11 Wh·kg-1,最大功率密度达到8.6 kW·kg-1,兼具高能量特性和优良的大电流放电特性。
关键词: 氢氧化亚镍  溶胶凝胶方法  碳纳米管  双电层电容器  复合型超电容器
Abstract: A new sol-gel process for the preparation of ultrafine Nickel hydroxide electrode materials was developed. The composite electrodes consisting of carbon nanotubes and Ni(OH)2 were prepared by mixing the hydroxide and carbon nanotubes in 20% ratio. A maximum specific capacity of 320 F·g-1 was obtained for the composite electrode compared with that of activated carbon (184 F·g-1). In order to enhance energy density, a combined type pseudocapacitor/electric double layer capacitor was considered and its electrochemical properties were investigated. Values for the specific energy and maximum specific power of 20.11 Wh·kg-1 and 8.6 kW·kg-1, respectively, were demonstrated for a cell voltage between 0 and 1.6 V. By using the modified anode of a Ni(OH)2/carbon nanotubes composite electrode, the combined supercapacitor exhibited high energy density and stable power characteristics.
Keywords: nickel hydroxide  sol-gel method  carbon nanotubes  supercapacitor  combined capacitor
投稿时间:2004-06-01 修订日期:2004-09-17
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