Hydroisomerization of n-Heptane over Superacid Catalysts Supported on Ultra Stable Y (USY) Zeolite
魏瑞平 南京工业大学化学化工学院南京 210009 
王 军 南京工业大学化学化工学院南京 210009 
任晓乾 南京工业大学化学化工学院南京 210009 
蒋冬梅 南京工业大学化学化工学院南京 210009 
关键词: 加氢异构化 固体超强酸 正庚烷 USY
Abstract: The Pt-bearing SO42-/ZrO2 superacid catalysts supported on ultra stable Y (USY) zeolite were prepared by impregnation and characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption and Hammett indicators. Their catalytic activities were evaluated in the hydroisomerization of n-heptane with an atmospheric fixed-bed reactor. The catalysts possessed a high surface area, superacidity and well maintained pore structure of USY support. The supported catalysts with a suitable SO42-/ZrO2 loading exhibited a higher catalytic activity and selectivity than the unsupported SO42-/ZrO2 catalyst or the Pt supported on USY catalyst without superacid. At the reaction temperature of 220 ℃, over the catalyst with a Pt loading of 0.8wt% and ZrO2 loading of 10wt%, the conversion of n-heptane could be as high as 35.2% with a selectivity of 87.9% for isomerization products.
Keywords: hydroisomerization solid superacid n-heptane USY
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魏瑞平,王 军,任晓乾,蒋冬梅.正庚烷在超稳Y沸石(USY)负载超强酸催化剂上加氢异构化[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(12):1471-1476.
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