Long-lasting Phosphorescence in Eu3+-doped CaWO4
刘正伟 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
袁定胜 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
张静娴 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
容建华 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
黄浪欢 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
关键词: 长余辉 钨酸钙 铕 热释光
Abstract: Eu3+ activated CaWO4 was prepared by high temperature solid state reaction technique. Red afterglow was observed for in the CaWO4∶Eu after exciting with 254 nm light due to Eu3+ transition from 5D0 to 7FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3,4). By the calculation of the thermoluminescence spectrum of CaWO4∶Eu, we conclude that there were two types of trap centers: VCa″ was formed by substitution of Ca2+ by Eu3+ and complex traps were produced because of substitution of W6+ by Eu3+.
Keywords: afterglow calcium tungstate europium thermoluminescence
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