Study on Hydrothermal Electrodeposition of Hydroxyapatite/Ti Composite Coatings
肖秀峰 燕山大学材料科学与工程学院秦皇岛 066004
福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
刘榕芳 福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
郑炀曾 燕山大学材料科学与工程学院秦皇岛 066004 
摘要: 在水热电沉积羟基磷灰石(Hydroxyapatite,简称HA)涂层的电解液中加入Ti粉,制备了HA/Ti复合涂层,探讨了Ti粉的加入对涂层结合强度和生物活性的影响,并研究了涂层的热稳定性。结果表明,500 ℃焙烧2 h后,HA/Ti复合涂层的结合强度为18.4 MPa,明显高于纯HA涂层的11.2 MPa;模拟体液浸泡7 d后,涂层表层形成一层碳磷灰石。Ti粉的加入明显提高了涂层的结合强度,又不降低涂层的生物活性。500 ℃焙烧不改变涂层的相组成,焙烧温度高于600 ℃时,HA部分发生分解,Ti氧化为金
关键词: 水热电沉积 羟基磷灰石 结合强度 生物活性
Abstract: Hydroxyapatite(HA)/Ti composite coatings were successfully prepared on titanium electrode using a hydrothermal electrodeposition method via adding Ti powder in the electrolyte in an autoclave. The bonding strength, bioactivity and thermal stability of the coatings were investigated. The bonding strength of HA/Ti composite coating was up to 18.4 MPa after calcination at 500 ℃, obviously higher than that of pure HA coating. HA/Ti composite coating surface was covered by carbonate-apatite coating after immersion in simulate body fluid for 7 days, indicating that the Ti addition in HA coating improved greatly the bonding strength while not decreasing the bioactivity of the coating. Calcination at 500 ℃ had no effect on the phase composition of the coating. When calcination temperature was above 600 ℃, HA was partially decomposed and Ti powder was oxidized to rutile TiO2. TiO2 promoted the HA total decomposition when the calcination temperature was above 1 000 ℃. However, the bonding strength of the composite coating with temperature was not affected by this high temperature calcination.
Keywords: hydrothermal electrodeposition hydroxyapatite bonding strength bioactiity
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