The Effect of M2+ Exchange on Adsorptive Separation Properties of 13X over N2 and Ar
关莉莉 北京大学物理化学研究所北京 100871 
段连运 北京大学物理化学研究所北京 100871 
谢有畅 北京大学物理化学研究所北京 100871 
摘要: 采用水溶液离子交换法分别制备了不同二价阳离子(Mg2+、Zn2+和Ca2+)交换的13X型分子筛,并在25 ℃下测定了各分子筛吸附剂的氮和氩的吸附等温线。研究发现,13X分子筛经Mg2+和Zn2+交换后,吸附剂的吸氮能力及氮氩分离能力降低;13X分子筛经Ca2+交换后,吸附剂的吸氮能力及氮氩分离能力随分子筛中钙离子交换度的增加而增大。对常压氮氩分离性能较好的CaNaX系列分子
关键词: 13X分子筛 氮氩分离 吸附等温线 穿透曲线
Abstract: The 13X was ion exchanged with Mg2+, Zn2+ and Ca2+ cations in water solution, then the adsorption isotherms of these zeolites were measured at 25 ℃. The data demonstrate that, the 13X zeolites exchanged with Mg2+ and Zn2+ have lower N2 adsorption capacities and adsorptive separation properties than 13X. For the the 13X zeolites exchanged with Ca2+, the higher is the Ca2+ in the 13X zeolite, the better is the N2 adsorption capacity and the adsorptive separation properties of N2 over Ar. From the breakthrough curves of CaNaX it is known that the zeolites studied have a suitable pressure for adsorption separation of N2 and Ar. In the pressure range studied, the best pressure is about 0.6 MPa.
Keywords: zeolite 13X separation of N2 and Ar adsorption isotherm breakthrough curve
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