Synthesis and Molecular Structure of [MnS(CO)3]4 Derived from the Reaction of [Mn2(CO)10] and 2-(Methylthio)thiophene
张 岐 海南大学海南省精细化工重点实验室海口 570228 
郝红元 海南大学海南省精细化工重点实验室海口 570228 
Deeming Antony J. Department of Chemistry, University College London, 20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJ, UK 
关键词: 2-巯甲基噻吩 C-S键断裂 晶体结构 原子簇化合物
Abstract: The compound [Mn2(CO)10] reacts with 2-(Methylthio)thiophene (C5H6S2) while refluxing in xylene to afford a methylthio-tetramanganese product [MnS(CO)3]4, in which C5H6S2 is cleaved with loss of thiophene. The crystal structure of [MnS(CO)3]4 has been studied by direct method. Based on the 21 685 unique reflections collected using Mo of X-ray radiation and a CCD-based detector, it is refined to an agreement index (R1) of 0.079 0. The cell is triclinic with dimensions: a=1.719 49 nm, b=1.959 2 nm, c=2.632 6 nm and α=79.733°, β=71.407°, γ=89.387°. There are 12 unit cells of [MnS(CO)3]4 in the cell, with space group P1.
Keywords: 2-(Methylthio)thiophene C-S bond-cleavage crystal-structure cluster
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张 岐,郝红元,Deeming Antony J..2-巯甲基噻吩与[Mn2(CO)10]原子簇化合物反应生成[MnS(CO)3]4及结构表征(英)[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(10):1241-1244.
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