Template Synthesis of Transition-metal Ru and Pd Nanotubes
马 华 南开大学新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
陶占良 南开大学新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
高 峰 南开大学新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
陈 军 南开大学新能源材料化学研究所天津 300071 
摘要: 本文以多孔氧化铝为模板,结合化学沉积法,制备了过渡金属Ru和Pd纳米管。采用XRD,SEM,TEM/HRTEM等测试手段对产物的结构和形貌进行了表征。实验结果表明,反应条件如加热温度、溶液的浓度、气体的组成和流速等对反应产物的结构和形貌有着重要影响。在150~200 ℃相对温和的反应条件下所得纳米管具有比较好的结晶化程度,尺寸均匀,管壁较薄,外径大约100 nm,管壁厚度为3~6 nm。
关键词: 钌 钯 纳米管 模板法
Abstract: Ru and Pd nanotubes were synthesized using the porous alumina membranes as a template. The as-synthesized samples were characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM/HRTEM. It was found that the size and morphology of the as-prepared samples were affected strongly by the solution concentration, the gas flow rate and composition, and the heating temperature. The as-fabricated samples were uniform in size, shape, and morphology and were with highly crystalline structure. The length of tubes was much shorter than the thickness of the template employed in the synthesis process. The thickness of the wall was 3~6 nm and the nanotubes were approximately 100 nm (O.D.). The O.D. were similar to the inner pore diameter of the template used.
Keywords: Ru Pd nanotubes template-method
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马 华,陶占良,高 峰,陈 军.模板法制备过渡金属Ru和Pd纳米管[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(10):1187-1190.
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