ZnO/SAPO-34组装体的制备及发光性质研究 |
Preparation and Photoluminescence of ZnO/SAPO-34 Composite |
摘要: 以微孔分子筛SAPO-34为主体,采用锌盐浸渍-灼烧的方法,在SAPO-34的菱沸石笼中制备出ZnO纳米粒子,并对不同温度下灼烧后得到的ZnO/SAPO-34组装体的发光性质进行了研究。由于SAPO-34菱沸石笼的尺寸所限,制备出来的ZnO粒子粒径小于1 nm。量子尺寸效应使得SAPO-34笼中的ZnO纳米粒子的荧光光谱在近紫外区的发射谱峰有明显的蓝移。 |
关键词: SAPO-34 组装体 荧光 纳米氧化锌 |
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Abstract: Nano-sized ZnO particles have been prepared through heating the Zn(Ac)2-loaded SAPO-34. The photoluminescent properties of the ZnO/SAPO-34 composite calcined at various temperatures were elucidated. Owing to the quantum-size effect, the emission peaks of the nano-ZnO particles are blue-shifted distinctly. |
Keywords: SAPO-34 composite ZnO nanoparticle photoluminescence |
摘要点击次数: 1960 |
全文下载次数: 2645 |
奚春宇,李国栋,陈接胜.ZnO/SAPO-34组装体的制备及发光性质研究[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(10):1141-1144. |
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