Electro-synthesis and Characterization of Nano-sized PbTiO3Powder in Organic System
陈永红 淮南师范学院化学系淮南 232001 
朱传高 淮南师范学院化学系淮南 232001 
魏亦军 淮南师范学院化学系淮南 232001 
褚道葆 安徽师范大学有机化学研究所芜湖 241000 
关键词: 电合成 “牺牲”阳极 有机体系 纳米PbTiO3
Abstract: The precursor PbTi(OCH2CH3)6-y(acac)y for the mixed oxide PbTiO3was synthesized by electrochemical dissolution of Lead and Titanium with a 1∶2 electricity quality in ethanol and acetyl-acetone solution. Nano-sized PbTiO3powder was prepared by drying and calcining the xerogel from a direct sol-gel hydrolyzation of the precursor solution under pH of 8.5. The FTIR, TG-DTA, XRD and TEM were employed to characterize the structure of the precursor and nano-sized PbTiO3. The results showed that the optimized conditions for the preparation of nano-sized PbTiO3 were the electrolysis of the Lead plate and Titanium plate at 50 ℃ and 40 ℃ respectively under 0.03mol·dm-3Bu4NBr solution. The nano-sized PbTiO3prepared by electrolysis exhibited a dispersive structure with an average diameter of 10 to 15 nm.
Keywords: electro-synthesis sacrificial anode organic system nano-PbTiO3
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