Preparation and Photoluminescence of ZnO Nanodot Array
袁志好 天津理工大学材料学院纳米材料与技术研究中心天津 300191 
孙永昌 天津理工大学材料学院纳米材料与技术研究中心天津 300191 
别利剑 天津理工大学材料学院纳米材料与技术研究中心天津 300191 
王玉红 天津理工大学材料学院纳米材料与技术研究中心天津 300191 
段月琴 天津理工大学材料学院纳米材料与技术研究中心天津 300191 
关键词: 纳米掩膜 氧化锌纳米点阵列 多孔氧化铝模板 光致发光
Abstract: A novel nano-masking technique based on porous alumina membrane as mask was developed for preparing ZnO nanodots on Si substrate. The as-deposited nanodots with uniform size were in two-dimensional, regular array, whose regular structure and diameter were closely related to the mask used. Photoluminescence results show that the ZnO nanodot array have a strong UV light emission peak around 380 nm and a wide blue-green light emission peak at 460~610 nm at room temperature. The former corresponds to the near band edge emission of the wide band-gap ZnO and the latter could be attributed to the recombination of a photogenerated hole with singly ionized oxygen vacancy.
Keywords: nano-masking ZnO nanodot array porous alumina template photoluminescence
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