The Influence of Ca on Hydrolysis and Polymerization of Aluminum and Physicochemical Characteristics of Polyaluminum Chloride
赵华章 清华大学环境科学与工程系北京 100084 
栾兆坤 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室北京 100085 
蒋展鹏 清华大学环境科学与工程系北京 100084 
关键词: Al13形态 含Ca聚合氯化铝 水解聚合 铝形态
Abstract: The polyaluminum chloride containing Ca was prepared by adding Ca before and after the aluminium polymerization, respectively. The effects of Ca on the hydrolysis and polymerization of aluminum, the characteristic of aluminum species, the ζ potential and viscosity of PAC were also studied. The experimental results show that the introduction of Ca retards the formation of Al precipitates during the hydrolysis and polymerization of aluminum and increases the contents of Alm and Al13 in PAC. Aluminum species can complex with Ca to form heteronuclear hydroxo complexes, which decreases the chemical shifts of Alm and Al13 in NMR. The ζ potential and the viscosity of PAC increase with the rise of Ca/Al molar ratio. Comparing with adding Ca after the aluminium polymerization, there are much more Al-Ca heteronuclear hydroxo complexes formed by adding Ca before the polymerization, which leads to a more obvious influence of Ca/Al molar ratio on the ζ potential and the viscosity of PAC.
Keywords: Al13 species polyaluminum chloride containing Ca hydrolysis and polymerization aluminum species
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