含钴(Ⅱ)配阳离子的MoS2基嵌入化合物 |
Intercalation Compounds with Cobalt(Ⅱ) Coordination Cations into a MoS2 Matrix |
摘要: 本文测量了表面ζ电位随pH值的变化关系,表明MoS2单分子层表面吸附的是OH-离子,其等电点在pH=2附近。在pH=5~10范围内,ζ电位在-22到-24 mV之间,较为稳定。在pH=7.2条件下,利用MoS2单分子层与钴(Ⅱ)配位阳离子基团反应合成了3个嵌入化合物[Co(H2O)z]y/2MoS2、[Co(bpy)3]y/2MoS2和[Co(phen)3]y/2MoS2。X-射线衍射、元素分析和热重分析研究表明前一个化合物中每10个{MoS2}单元约嵌入一个水合钴离子,层间距增大了0.893nm,水合钴离子在基体层间按双层错开排列。后两个化合物中每20个{MoS2}单元约嵌入一个钴有机配阳离子,层间距分别增大了0.953和1.018 nm,配位阳离子则单层排列于MoS2基体层间,[Co(bpy)3]2+和[Co(phen)3]2+离子中CoN6配位八面体的三次对称轴近于垂直于MoS2基体层板。 |
关键词: 二硫化钼 嵌入化学 单分子层 |
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Abstract: The pH dependences of surface ζ potential for single molecular layers of MoS2 were determined. The results illustrated that the single molecular layers were adsorbed by OH- ions and its isoeletric point was approximately at pH=2. Between pH=5 and 10, the surface ζ potential was not sensitive to pH, and was kept at the range from -22 mV to -24 mV. At pH value of 7.2, three intercalated compounds, namely [Co(H2O)z]y/2MoS2, [Co(bpy)3]y/2MoS2 and [Co(phen)3]y/2MoS2, were prepared from the interaction of single molecular layers of MoS2 with water-soluble cobalt(Ⅱ) coordination cations. The results of X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis and thermogravimetric analysis showed that the former one contained roughly one cobalt hydrated cation to ten formula units of MoS2 with the interlayer expansion of 0.893nm, suggesting a bi-layer arrangement of the hydrated cobalt cations into the gaps between the host plates. And both of the latter two contained approximately one cobalt organic group to twenty MoS2 units with the interlayer expansions of 0.953nm and 1.018 nm, respectively, suggesting a mono-layer arrangement of the cobalt coordination cations between the host molybdenum disulfide plates. In the latter cases, the tri-fold symmetry axes of CoN6 coordination octahedron for [Co(bpy)3]2+ and [Co(phen)3]2+ guests were oriented roughly perpendicular to the MoS2 host sheets. |
Keywords: molybdenum disulfide intercalation single molecular layers |
摘要点击次数: 1763 |
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林碧洲,裴小科,张进飞,刘培德,吴季怀.含钴(Ⅱ)配阳离子的MoS2基嵌入化合物[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(9):1023-1028. |
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