Size-dependent Evolution of Geometric Structures, Energy and Stability of Nin(n=3~39) Clusters
田东旭 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所煤转化国家重点实验室太原 030001 
郭向云 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所煤转化国家重点实验室太原 030001 
关键词: 团簇 Lennard-Jones plus Axilrod-Teller 生长机理 稳定性
Abstract: The stable geometric structure and energy of Nin(n=3~39) clusters as a function of cluster size are studied by the Monte Carlo simulation. The interaction among atoms is calculated through Lennard-Jones plus Axilrod-Teller potentials. It is found that the clusters grow through adding atoms on one or more surfaces of Ni7 or Ni13 after the cluster size n is larger than 7. It is also found that there exists direct correlation between the stability and geometrical structures of clusters. Relatively, highly symmetry clusters are more stable. In addition, the nickel clusters with fcc-like structure such as Ni33, Ni36 and Ni38 are more stable than their neighboring clusters.
Keywords: nickel clusters LJ+AT potential growth mechanism stability
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