Study on Interaction of Silver(Ⅰ) Ion with Lysine
肖子丹 贵州大学化学与生物化学学院化学系贵阳 550025 
张朝平 贵州大学化学与生物化学学院化学系贵阳 550025 
关键词: 赖氨酸 银 UV-Vis光谱 荧光光谱 荧光猝灭 电动电位
Abstract: The interaction of silver(Ⅰ) ion with lysine has been investigated by UV-Vis, fluorescent spectra and electrophoresis method. The effect of pH medium and multicomponent concentration on interaction of lysine-silver has also been studied. Lysine-silver system showed maximum absorbance at 239 nm and 448 nm. Lysine showed fluorescence. The fluorescence excitation wavelength was about 356.6 nm (fluorescence emission wavelength was about 438.6 nm). When the reaction of silver(Ⅰ) ion with lysine happened, fluorescence was quenching. Lysine-silver system carried negative charge, and the electrokinetic potential of double electrode layer was -2.35×10-4 V.
Keywords: lysine silver UV-Vis fluorescent spectra fluorescent quenching electrokinetic potential
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