Effects of Different Acidic Conditions on Surface Patterns and Mesophases of Mesoporous Silica
庞雪蕾 中科院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
唐芳琼 中科院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
摘要: 在室温、不同酸性条件下合成出微米级球形介孔二氧化硅材料,通过XRD、SEM以及氮气吸附等手段对介孔二氧化硅材料进行了表征。用TEM跟踪不同反应时间介孔二氧化硅球的形成,对这些球颗粒的合成机理进行了讨论,同时探讨了不同酸性条件下介孔二氧化硅表面形貌和介相结构的变化。
关键词: 介孔二氧化硅 表面形貌 合成机理 介孔二氧化硅球
Abstract: Mesoporous silica spheres with diameters in microscale have been synthesized under static acidic conditions by mixed cationic-nonionic surfactant templating. The resulting materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), SEM and nitrogenad adsorption. The growth of the micrometer-sized mesoporous silica spheres was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and a mixed aggregation process was proposed for the formation mechanism of these spheres. The reason that leads to the change of the surface patterns and mesophases of mesoporous silica was discussed.
Keywords: mesoporous silica surface patterns mechanism mesoporous silica spheres
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