Synthesis of Sr2CeO4 Phosphor by Mechanical Milling and Reactive Sintering
符史流 汕头大学物理系汕头 515063 
戴 军 汕头大学物理系汕头 515063 
周甫方 汕头大学物理系汕头 515063 
关键词: 球磨 Sr2CeO4 形成机制 发光
Abstract: Sr2CeO4 phosphor was synthesized by mechanical milling and reactive sintering in this work. The solid state reaction of SrCO3and CeO2 (2∶1) started at about 850 ℃ and completed at 1 000 ℃ for about 4 h. Two types of formation mechanism of Sr2CeO4 were proposed. When the starting powder mixture was fired above 1 000 ℃, the unstable intermediate phase SrCeO3was developed, which then reacted with SrCO3to form the final product Sr2CeO4, however, SrCO3and CeO2 converted directly to Sr2CeO4 at a lower temperature. The XRD results showed the crystal structure of Sr2CeO4 was orthorhombic. The emission spectra displayed a broad band with maximum at about 465 nm. The mechanical milling of starting power mixture and the sintering temperature had no effect on this emission spectra.
Keywords: mechanical milling Sr2CeO4 formation mechanism luminescence
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符史流,戴 军,周甫方.机械球磨与反应烧结合成Sr2CeO4发光体的研究[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(6):698-702.
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