Study on the Properties of Ultrafine CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox Mixed Oxide
陈 敏 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
陈 丰 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
郑小明 浙江大学催化研究所杭州 310028 
摘要: 采用聚合物前驱体法首次合成了超细粒子CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox复合氧化物粉体。通过XRD、TEM、BET等技术对合成的粉体进行了表征,结果表明CeO2与碱土金属形成的CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox新粉体材料比表面积为66~69 m2·g-1,经800 ℃、1 000 ℃焙烧2 h后,粉体平均晶粒仍保持在10~20 nm,基本不发生团聚现象,具有较好的抗烧结能力。用甲烷催化燃烧为模型反应,发现该粉体催化剂具有很高的催化活性,优于单组分CeO2
关键词: CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox 纳米粉体 高稳定性
Abstract: A new series powder of CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox was synthesized for the first time by macromolecule surface modified method. The structure and catalytic properties of CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox were investigated by XRD, TEM and BET specific surface area technologies. The results indicated that the average particle size of the powder of CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox was in the range of 6~8 nm and the surface area was 66~69 m2·g-1. The powder showed a novel thermostability with the particle size still kept in 10~20 nm even calcined at 800 ℃ and 1 000 ℃ for 2 h. The excellent methane combustion activity was another feature of the new powder.
Keywords: CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox nano-sized powder thermostability
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全文下载次数:  1474
陈 敏,陈 丰,郑小明.超细CeM(M=Mg,Sr)Ox复合氧化物的性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(6):647-651.
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