高岭石结构缺陷的 1H MAS NMR和Raman研究
1H MAS NMR and Raman Spectra of Kaolinite Structure Default
王林江 桂林工学院材料与化学工程系桂林 541004
中国科学院广州地球化学研究所广东省矿物物理与材料研究开发重点实验室广州 510640 
吴大清 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所广东省矿物物理与材料研究开发重点实验室广州 510640 
关键词: 高岭石 结构缺陷 1H MAS NMR Raman光谱
Abstract: The structure default of kaolinites was characterized with 1H MAS NMR and Raman spectra. Although the HI indexes of Suzhou and Maoming kaolinite are similar, their 1H MAS NMR and Raman spectra are very different. 1H MAS NMR showed that the hydroxyl proton chemical shifts of Suzhou kaolinite are in the higher field and with larger different between the inner surface hydroxyls protons and inner hydroxyls proton chemical shifts than Maoming kaolinite. Raman spectra showed that the surface hydroxyls stretching vibration bands of Suzhou kaolinite are in the high frequency region, and the half height widths of the bands are 7.0~14 cm-1. The area ratio Sz/(Sz+SA), where SZ and SA are the areas of bands 3685 cm-1 and 3695 cm-1 respectively, is 0.23. But the surface hydroxyls stretching vibration bands of Maoming kaolinite are in the low frequency region, and the half height widths of the bands are 8.9~15.1 cm-1. The area ratio Sz/(Sz+SA) is 0.77. Those data proved that Suzhou kaolinite has lower structure default than Maoming kaolinite and 1H MAS NMR and Raman spectra are effective method for study of kaolinite structure default.
Keywords: kaolinite structure default 1H MAS NMR spectrum Raman spectrum
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王林江,吴大清.高岭石结构缺陷的 1H MAS NMR和Raman研究[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(5):567-570.
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