New Discoveries in the Study of Salt-water Oscillators
周永贤 天津大学理学院化学系天津 300072 
贺占博 天津大学理学院化学系天津 300072 
关键词: 盐水振荡 金属电极 离子选择性电极 机理
Abstract: More than twenty electrode methods were used to detect widely and systematically the salt-water oscillator designed by us and some rule conclusions were summarized by correlation analysis of experimental results, as the follows: (1) As different electrodes used to detect the same salt water oscillator, all of the time oscillatory parameters are the same, while the amplitude different which proportion the average ionization energy of the metals when detected by a series of double metal electrodes. As the multiple electrodes used, the amplitudes are direct ratio to the metal electrode potential E0. In addition, phase position of the electrodes has great role on the amplitude, that is, the bigger can be gotten when the indicatory electrode at the outer than it at the inner. (2) A series of detections by ionic selective electrodes on the positive/negative ions of a same electrolyte show that the smaller the difference of the two ionic transference number is, the bigger the amplitude is; and not only the oscillation curve of the non-ionic compound is irregular, but also the amplitude is small. It is obvious that the cooperation of ions play an important role in the salt-water oscillation. And there are such rule of the amplitudes resulted from the different electrodes: the metal electrode (reference electrodes)> a couple of metal electrode>the ionic selective electrode (reference electrodes); (3) only when the solution density of the inner is bigger than that the outer, the oscillations happen. It means the gravity may have a key effect on the oscillation. (4) The periodic changes of temperature and conductivity in salt-water oscillation were also been found from precision determination. (5) At last, some mechanism analysis were put forward.
Keywords: salt-water oscillation metal electrode ionic selective electrode mechanism
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