One Way to Estimate the Electrochemical Capacitance of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes
王贵欣 中国科学院成都有机化学研究所成都 610041国家纳米科学中心 
瞿美臻 中国科学院成都有机化学研究所成都 610041国家纳米科学中心 
周固民 中国科学院成都有机化学研究所成都 610041国家纳米科学中心 
陈 利 中国科学院成都有机化学研究所成都 610041国家纳米科学中心 
王国平 中国科学院成都有机化学研究所成都 610041国家纳米科学中心 
张伯兰 中国科学院成都有机化学研究所成都 610041国家纳米科学中心 
于作龙 中国科学院成都有机化学研究所成都 610041国家纳米科学中心 
关键词: 超级电容器 碳纳米管 结构 电化学容量
Abstract: Five kinds of multi-walled carbon nanotubes were prepared by CVD(Chemical Vapour Deposition) and purified under the same conditions, then were used as electrodes for super capacitors in order to compare their performance. The differences measured in terms of specific capacitance by galvanostatic cycling were presented, porosity measurements using nitrogen at 77 K made on carbon nanotubes allowd a better understanding of the electrochemical behavior of these carbon nanotubes. The experiment results show that pore diameter in the range of more than 3nm is required to maximize the capacitance in the electrolyte of 1.0 mol·L-1 LiClO4/EC+DEC(VEC∶VDEC=1∶1), and the BET surface area contributed by this extent is almost linear with the specific capacitance, in which an average value is about 0.11 F·m-2, and the specific capacitance estimated from above is very close to the value by experiment.
Keywords: supercapacitors carbon nanotubes structure electrochemical capacitance
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王贵欣,瞿美臻,周固民,陈 利,王国平,张伯兰,于作龙.一种估算多壁碳纳米管电化学容量的方法[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(4):369-372.
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