Preparation of Highdispersed Nanosilver/Montmorillonite Composites and Their Characterization
刘建军 北京化工大学理学院北京 100029 
于迎春 北京化工大学理学院北京 100029 
吴 曲 北京化工大学理学院北京 100029 
张敬畅 北京化工大学理学院北京 100029 
关键词: 纳米银 蒙脱土 限域合成
Abstract: In this paper, the nanosized silver particles with a narrow size distribution and high dispersivity located in both interior and exterior layers of montmorillonite as a confinement reactor by a chemical reduction method were prepared. It was found that the obvious changes of the particle size and dispersivity of the nanosilver located in both interior and exterior layers of montmorillonite did not occur after being treated by supercritical ethanol dried at the temperature of 270 ℃ and proven that the nanosilver/montmorillonite composites had a good thermal stability, which will have some potential applications as a high activity catalyst, antibacterial agents etc.
Keywords: nanosilver montmorillonite confinement synthesis
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刘建军,于迎春,吴 曲,张敬畅.高分散纳米银/蒙脱土复合材料的制备及表征[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(3):321-323.
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