Synthesis and Combustion Catalytic Actiyity of Nanocomposite PbSnO3
洪伟良 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
刘剑洪 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
田德余 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
罗仲宽 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
张培新 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
魏 波 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
关键词: 纳米复合粒子 PbSnO3 共沉淀法 催化剂 黑索今 热分解
Abstract: Nanocomposite PbSnO3was synthesized by coprecipitation method , and its phase evolution process was investigated. The particle size, crystal form, and phase of samples were determined with XRD, TEM and EDS. The catalytic actiyity of sample on the thermal decomposition of RDX was investigated by DSC. The results show that nanocomposite PbSnO3with the diameter of 9 nm can be obtained by calcining at 600 ℃ for 2 h, which crystal is cubic (pyrochlore type). The catalytic actiyity of nanocomposite PbSnO3on the thermal decomposition of RDX is much higher than that of normal PbSnO3. The nanocomposite PbSnO3can decrease the peak temperature of thermal decomposition of RDX from 240.1 ℃ to 236.5 ℃, and the decomposition enthalpy ΔH of RDX increases 722 J·g-1 (about 70%).
Keywords: nanocomposite particle PbSnO3 coprecipitation catalyst RDX thermal decomposition
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洪伟良,刘剑洪,田德余,罗仲宽,张培新,魏 波.纳米PbSnO3的制备及其燃烧催化性能的研究[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(3):278-282.
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