The Long Afterglow of Eu3+-activated La2O2S
宋春燕 暨南大学化学系,广州,510632 
雷炳富 暨南大学化学系,广州,510632 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系,广州,510632 
石春山 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所稀土化学与物理国家重点实验室,长春,130022 
张静娴 暨南大学化学系,广州,510632 
黄浪欢 暨南大学化学系,广州,510632 
袁定胜 暨南大学化学系,广州,510632 
关键词: 长余辉  硫氧化镧  铕离子
Abstract: The new Eu3+ doped lanthanum oxysulfide phosphors,which have the orange-red long afterg low emission,were synthesized by solid-state reaction method.The synthesized phosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction.The excitation and emission spectra,afterglow spectra and afterglow decay curves were examined.XRD confirmed the phosphor as pure phase La2O2S.The phosphors showed typical transitions 5DJ(J=0,1) → 7JJ(J=0,1,2,3,4)of Eu3+.The photoluminescence spectra and afterglow spectra presented the regular alteration with various Eu3+ concentration, due to cross relaxation between energy levels of Eu3+. In addition, we studied the effects of activator concentration and dopants species on the afterglow property. The data showed afterglow result was the best with 2 % Eu3+ and doped with Mg2+ and Zr4+. A prominent phosphorescence can be seen in this phosphor after illuminated with UV light.
Keywords: long afterglow lanthanum oxysulfide europium ion
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