Effect of the Bite Angle on 1-Dodecene Hydroformylation Catalyzed by Rhodium-Diphosphine Complexes
黄雪原 四川大学化学学院,成都 610064
西南民族大学,成都 610041 
李 敏 四川大学化学学院,成都 610064 
徐 斌 四川大学化学学院,成都 610064 
李瑞祥 四川大学化学学院,成都 610064 
陈 华 四川大学化学学院,成都 610064 
李贤均 四川大学化学学院,成都 610064 
摘要: 研究了HRh(CO)(PPh3)3-双膦配体(BISBI,BDPX,BDNA和BINAP)体系在1-十二烯氢甲酰化反应中的催化性能。4种双膦配体具有不同的空间结构,因而有不同的咬角(bite angle),它们与铑催化剂前体HRh(CO)(PPh3)3进行配体交换后,形成不同的催化活性物种。4种复合催化剂体系中,HRh(CO)(PPh3)3-BISBI(咬角为120°)对直链醛的形成具有很高的区域选择性,这可能是因为形成了有利于生成直链烷基-铑的ee构型催化活性物种,其它3种双膦配体与HRh(CO)(PPh3)3组成的复合催化剂体系区域选择性没有多少变化,是与它们具有较小的咬角有关(BINAP85°,BDPX90°,BDNA104°)。上述4种HRh(CO)(PPh3)3 -双膦体系与HRh(CO)(PPh3)3-PPh3体系相比较,催化活性较低,这可能是因为双膦的螯合配位作用使催化活性物种较稳定 。
关键词: 氢甲酰化 双膦配体 咬角 铑配合物
Abstract: The catalytic performances of four HRh(CO)(PPh3)3-diphosphine (BISBI,BDPX,BDNA and BINAP) sys-tems in 1-dodecene hydroformylation were investigated and compared with HRh(CO)(PPh3)3-PPh3 system. The introduction of four diphosphine ligands could form the different coordination circumstance because of the difference of their natural bite angles (the bite angles of BISBI,BDNA,BDPX and BINAP are 120 °,104 °,90 ° and 85 °,respectively.). BISBI has a large bite angle and suitable flexibility,when the molar ratio of [BISBI]/[Rh] is in a certain range (the ratio ≥ 7),the diequatorial steric configuration (ee type) in Rh-diphosphine complexes is dominant as showed in Scheme 2. This is favourable for the formation of linear alkyl-Rh intermediate,thus the high regioselectivity of 1-dodecene hydroformylation can be reached. BINAP,BDPX and BDNA did not exhibit diphosphine stereoselective effect,this was connected with their small bite angles and flexibilities. The lower conversion of olefin in the presence of diphosphine than that of PPh3 could be attributed to the stabilization of rhodium complex by chelation of diphosphine ligand.
Keywords: hydroformylation diphosphine ligand bite angle rhodium complex
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黄雪原,李 敏,徐 斌,李瑞祥,陈 华,李贤均.铑-双膦配合物的咬角效应对催化1-十二烯氢甲酰化反应的影响[J].无机化学学报,2004,20(1):26-30.
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