Study on the Adsorption of Iminodiacetic Acid Resin for Yttrium(Ⅲ)
熊春华 杭州商学院食品、生物技术和环境工程学院,杭州 310035 
吴香梅 丽水师范专科学校化学系,丽水 323000 
关键词: 亚氨基二乙酸树脂 钇 吸附 机理
Abstract: The adsorption behavior and mechanism of a novel chelate resin, iminodiacetic acid resin (IDAAR) for Y(Ⅲ) were investigated. The statically saturated adsorption capacity is 102mg·g-1 resin at 298K in HAc-NaAc medium at pH 5.7. Y(Ⅲ) adsorbed on IDAAR can be reductively eluted by 1.0~4.0mol·L-1 HCl used as eluant and the elution percentages are almost as high as 100%. The resin can be regenerated and reused without apparent decrease in adsorption capacity. The apparent adsorption rate constant is k298=3.36×10-5s-1. The adsorption behavior of IDAAR for Y(Ⅲ) conforms to Freundlich′s model reasonably. The thermodynamic adsorption parameter, enthalpy change ΔH of IDAAR for Y(Ⅲ) is 18.6kJ·mol-1. The complex molar ratio of the functional group of IDAAR to Y(Ⅲ) is about 3∶1. The adsorption mechanism of IDAAR for Y(Ⅲ) was examined by using chemical method and IR spectrometry.
Keywords: iminodiacetic acid resin yttrium adsorption mechanism
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