Kinetics Study of Kaolinite being Changed into Amorphous Derivative
曹秀华 华南理工大学材料学院广州 510640 
王炼石 华南理工大学材料学院广州 510640 
周奕雨 华南理工大学材料学院广州 510640 
关键词: 高岭石 甲酸钾 无定形高岭石衍生物 动力学
Abstract: Amorphous kaolinite derivatives were prepared through mixing kaolinite with HCOOK and KOH solution. Ki-netics of kaolinite being turned into amorphous derivatvies was investigated by XRD. It showed that the transfor-mation included dynamic and diffuse controlling stages. And the active energy E1=26.8kJ·mol-1; E2=12.2 kJ·mol-1. TEM and SEM images showed that particle size of the amorphous derivatives was about 50nm. And the amorphous derivatives seemed like alumnsilicate gel, accompanied by some aggregates.
Keywords: kaolinite potassium formate amorphous kaolinite derivative kinetics
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