Dodecylamine Supported Layered Tin Iodide as Semiconductor
刘 崭 清华大学化学系北京 100084 
石高全 清华大学化学系北京 100084 
陈凤恩 清华大学化学系北京 100084 
马明明 清华大学化学系北京 100084 
摘要: 合成了具有钙钛矿结构的有机-无机复合层状半导体材料,(C12H25NH3)2SnI4。测得其电导率为5×10-3S·cm-1。粉末X-射线衍射(XRD)结果表明在有机层中的烷基链间有较高的链交叉。用示差扫描量热法(DSC),变温拉曼光谱(Raman)和变温红外光谱(IR)研究了其微观结构随温度的变化。
关键词: 有机-无机复合层状半导体材料 钙钛矿结构 Raman(拉曼) 碘化亚锡 相转变
Abstract: A novel hybrid semiconductor,(C12H25NH3)2SnI4 with layered organic-inorganic perovskite structure, was chemically synthesized. Its conductivity was measured to be 5×10-3S·cm-1. The results of XRD showed its structural feature was high interdigitation of alkyl chains at organic layers. The temperature dependence of the structure of the hybrid semiconductor has been studied by DSC, microscopic Raman and FT-infrared spectro-scopies.
Keywords: organic-inorganic hybrid layered semiconductor perovskite Raman tin(Ⅱ) iodide phase transition
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刘 崭,石高全,陈凤恩,马明明.正十二烷基胺支撑的四碘化锡层状半导体材料的研究[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(11):1185-1190.
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