Study of Preparation and Electrochemical Capacitance Performance of Pyrolytic Carbon through Synchronously Synthetical Template Method
侯朝辉 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院冶金物理化学研究所,长沙 410083 
李新海 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院冶金物理化学研究所,长沙 410083 
刘恩辉 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院冶金物理化学研究所,长沙 410083 
何则强 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院冶金物理化学研究所,长沙 410083 
邓凌峰 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院冶金物理化学研究所,长沙 410083 
摘要: 研究制备新型炭材料是提高电化学电容器性能的有效途径。本文以二氧化硅干凝胶为模板,以合成间苯二酚-甲醛(RF)干凝胶为炭前驱体,采用同步合成模板法制得了比表面积达1100m2·g-1,孔径分布集中,平均孔径为4.5nm的炭材料。循环伏安研究表明,与比表面积为1720m2·g-1的活性炭相比,本研究制得的炭材料具有更优异的电化学电容性能,2mV·s-1时比容量达195F·g-1
关键词: 同步合成模板法 混合二氧化硅-酚醛干凝胶 热解炭 电化学电容器
Abstract: A new synchronously synthetical template method (SSTM) was brought forward to prepare carbon materials possessing controllable pore structure by mixing two sol-gel reactions, TEOS and resorcinol-formaldehyde in this paper. To testify the function of silica template to the formation of the pore structure of SSTM carbon, RF carbon by the pyrolysis of resorcinol-formaldehyde xerogel was also produced. N2 sorption at 77K investigation showed that specific surface and average pore size of SSTM carbon were 1100m2·g-1 and 4.5nm respectively, and its pore size distribution was very concentrative. The special structure of SSTM carbon was attributed to the simultaneous for-mation of template material (silica aquagel) and carbon precursor(resorcinol-formaldehyde aquagel). Voltage sweep cyclic voltametry was applied to investigate the electrochemical capacitance performance of SSTM carbon and T82 active carbon(1720m2·g-1) parallel. SSTM carbon exhibited more excellent electrochemical capacitance perfor-mance, 195F·g-1 at 2mV·s-1, than that of T82 carbon, 150F·g-1 at the same scan rate, although the specific surface of T82 carbon was much larger than that of SSTM carbon. Furthermore, the former exhibited better high current charge/discharge performance than the latter. Different characteristics of pore structures of the two carbons resulted in the difference of their electrochemical capacitance performance.
Keywords: synchronously synthetical template method mixing xerogel of silica and resorcinol-formaldehyde pyrolytic carbon electrochemical capacitor
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