Thermal Behavior and Decomposition Kinetics of Unsymmetrical Dithiolene Metal(Cd,Zn) Complexes of 1,3-Dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate
陆振荣 苏州大学分析测试中心,苏州 215006 
丁元晨 苏州大学分析测试中心,苏州 215006 
徐 颖 苏州大学分析测试中心,苏州 215006 
戴 洁 苏州大学化学化工系,苏州 215006 
摘要: 用TG-DTG-DTA联用技术研究了两种1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基的不对称二硫纶金属(Cd,Zn)配合物在动态氮气气氛中的热行为,通过应用EDS技术和元素分析方法对热分解过程中各步反应中间体的组成进行了探索,并结合其物质结构进行了讨论。协同使用四种热分析动力学方法获得了各步反应的热分解动力学参数,并推断了它们的最可能分解反应机理。
关键词: 镉配合物 锌配合物 苯硫酚基 热分析 1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基(dmit)
Abstract: TA study on two unsymmetrical dithiolene metal(Cd,Zn) complexes of 1,3-dithiole- 2-thione-4,5-dithiolate (dmit) was carried out using a simultaneous TG-DTG-DTA technique in a dynamic nitrogen atmosphere and at various heating rates. Supplemented by using both EDS and elemental analysis methods, their thermal behavior and the composition of their intermediate products were examined and discussed in connection with their molecular structure. Four thermal analysis kinetic methods were jointly employed to calculate the non-isothermal kinetic pa-rameters and to determine the most probable decomposition mechanisms.
Keywords: Cd complex Zn complex thiophenolate thermal analysis(TA) 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate(dmit)
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陆振荣,丁元晨,徐 颖,戴 洁.1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基的不对称二硫纶金属(Cd,Zn)配合物的热行为和热分解反应动力学(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(9):920-924.
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