Studies on Kinetics of Incorporation of Metal Ion Porpyrin——Coordination Reacion of H2Tβ-N-ACMSPyPBr4 with Cu2+ in o-Phthalic Acid Buffer System
黄少云 武汉化工学院制药系,武汉 430073 
潘志权 武汉化工学院制药系,武汉 430073 
任建国 武汉化工学院制药系,武汉 430073 
关键词: 化学反应动力学 卟啉 嵌入反应
Abstract: Kinetics of the coordination reaction of tetrakis(N-carbomethoxymethyl-3-pyridyl) porphyrin(abbr. H2Tβ-N-ACMSPyP) with Cu(Ⅱ) ion has been studied in o-phthalic acid buffer system in an ionic strength of 0.5mol·dm-3(KCI) at 35.0±0.1℃.The reaction is catalyzed by o-phthalic ion. The effect of concentration of the cata-lyst, metal ion and pH value of solution was discussed. The kinetics equation of the reaction were obtained as d[CuP4+]/dt=16.15{(1.0+3.35×105[PT2-]2)/1.0+1.57×10-4[H+]2}[Cu2+][P]T. The mechanism of the reaction was proposed. The deformation of the ring of porphyrins is the general condition in the reaction.
Keywords: kinetics of chemical rection porphyrin incorporating reaction
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