Study on Crystalline Phase Transformation of Nano-sized TiO2 in the Low Temperature by using SnCl4
彭 峰 华南理工大学化学工程系,广州 510640 
任艳群 华南理工大学化学工程系,广州 510640 
叶代启 华南理工大学环境科学与工程系,广州 510640 
摘要: 采用二种方法制备了低温下晶相结构可控制转变的纳米二氧化钛。一种方法是采用乙醇作溶剂的溶胶-凝胶法,通过控制SnCl4的添加量,便可在450℃热处理下实现纳米TiO2从纯锐钛矿到不同比例的复合相直至纯金红石相的转变。另一种方法是采用钛酸丁酯为原料直接低温水解,通过加入不同量的SnCl4,制备了具有晶态结构的二氧化钛复合溶胶,在120℃下干燥处理便可实现TiO2从锐钛矿到不同比例的复合相(金红石型、锐钛矿型和板钛矿型)直至纯金红石相的转变,制备所需晶态结构的纳米TiO2。所有样品进行了透射电镜与XRD表征,制备的纳米TiO2及其TiO2-SnO2纳米复合材料颗粒小、分布均匀、分散性好,没有检测到SnO2晶体的X-衍射特征峰。
关键词: 二氧化钛 四氯化锡 晶相转变 纳米 金红石 锐钛矿
Abstract: In this paper, two control methods of crystalline phase transformation of nano-sized TiO2 in the low temperature were presented. The first method is sol-gel process using ethanol as solvent and tetrabutyl titanate as reactant. By controlling the quantity of addition of SnCl4, the crystalline structure of TiO2 can be controlled from pure anatase, to the composite phases(rutile and anatase), and to pure rutile at temperature of 450℃. The second method is di-rectly hydrolysis of tetrabutyl titanate at low temperature without adding any solvent. By controlling the quantity of addition of SnCl4, the crystalline sols of TiO2 with the average particle diameter of 3~8nm are prepared. The crystalline structure of TiO2 sols can be transformed from pure anatase, to the composite phases(anatase, brookite and rutile), and to pure rutile by drying at 120℃, the nano-sized TiO2 powders with required crystalline phase can be obtained. All the samples were characterized by TEM and XRD. The results showed that nano-sized TiO2 and TiO2-SnO2 had small particle size, uniform distribution and high dispersion. But X-ray characteristic peaks of tin dioxide crystal were not detected.
Keywords: titanium dioxide tin tetrachloride phase transformation nanometer rutile anatase
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彭 峰,任艳群,叶代启.SnCl4对纳米二氧化钛晶相结构的低温转变控制研究[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(7):711-716.
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