Studies on the Luminescence Properties of Heterobimetallic Complex Formed by [Ru(bpy)2tpphz]2+ and Zn2+
张黔玲 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
刘剑洪 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
徐宏 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
任祥忠 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
魏波 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
黄毅 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
张培新 深圳大学师范学院化生系深圳 518060 
刘建忠 中山大学化学与化工学院广州 510275 
计亮年 中山大学化学与化工学院广州 510275 
关键词: 多吡啶钌配合物 DNA Zn2+ 分子光开关
Abstract: The formation of heterobimetallic ruthenium(Ⅱ) complex was investigated by absorption and emission spectra. As an intercalator of DNA, the luminescent monometallic ruthenium(Ⅱ) complex [Ru(bpy)2tpphz]2+ could coor-dinate with Zn2+ to form the nonluminescent heterobimetallic complex [Ru(bpy)2(tpphz)Zn]4+. The emission in-tensity of complex decreased as increasing the amounts of Zn2+ and the luminescence was almost lost at the ratio of [Zn]/[Ru] of 1. After binding to DNA, the peripheral coordination site on the tpphz ligand remained accessible for Zn2+, the coordination occurred from the oppsite side of helix with respect to intercalated [Ru(bpy)2tpphz]2+ and the nonluminescent heterobimetallic complex was formed. On the other hand, the [Ru(bpy)2(tpphz)Zn]4+ also bound to DNA by intercalation and situated the region of the intercalated [Ru(bpy)2tpphz]2+ between the base pairs of DNA. The complex looked like a molecular nut (the Zn2+) and bolt (the [Ru(bpy)2tpphz]2+).
Keywords: polypyridyl ruthenium complex DNA Zn2+ molecular light switch
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