一类新型环型笼状化合物 瓜环:(Ⅱ)酸度、IA、IIA金属离子对瓜环溶解性的影响
A New Family of Cage Compounds — Cucurbit[n]urils:(Ⅱ)Influence of Acidity,Alkaline and Alkaline-earth Metal Ions on Solubility of Cucurbit[n=5~8]urils
张桂玲 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
徐周庆 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
薛赛凤 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
祝黔江 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
陶朱 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
关键词: 瓜环 酸度 金属离子 溶解性
Abstract: The experimental results reveal that solubility of cucurbit[n=5~8]urils is related with acidity of solution and metal ions. In hydrochloric acid, cucurbit[7]uril is the most soluble one, and cucurbit[8]uril is the least soluble one. There is no significant influence of alkaline metal ion on the solubility of cucurbiturils. The solubility of cu-curbit[7]uril increases greatly in a SrCl2 solution. However, increase of weight of cucurbit[n=5~8]urils suggest that cucurbit[n]urils can catch Ba2+ in a solution.
Keywords: cucurbit[n]urils acidity metal ion solubility
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张桂玲,徐周庆,薛赛凤,祝黔江,陶朱.一类新型环型笼状化合物 瓜环:(Ⅱ)酸度、IA、IIA金属离子对瓜环溶解性的影响[J].无机化学学报,2003,19(6):655-659.
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